Age UK Share Care Day Centre
A warm and welcoming place where older people can enjoy a day out with homecooked meals and a range of activities.
Meets Mondays & Wednesdays
10am - 3pm
Holton Village Hall, Holton, OX33 1PR
07973 783938
Autumn Years Care
Autumn Years Care provides professional, friendly care and support services to adults in their own homes.
Suite 13, Belmont House, 13 Upper High Street, Thame, OX9 3ER
01844 447026
Carers Oxfordshire
A partnership between Oxfordshire County Council’s Customer Service Centre (CSC) and Age UK Oxfordshire (AUKO) established in April 2011 to provide new, integrated information and support service for adult carers of adults in Oxfordshire.
0845 050 7666
Disabled Facilities Grant
The Disabled Facilities Grant is a government funded grant awarded to eligible disabled individuals with mobility difficulties who need to make adaptations to their homes.
Emergency Carers
A free service for carers of adults, which provides support and arranges care when carers who are registered with them are unable to do so.
01865 849562
Guideposts Information Service
The Guideposts Information Service (GIS) can help you feel more supported, less isolated, and in better control of your own health and wellbeing.
0800 048 7035
Home Start Oxfordshire
A home visiting scheme for families where there is at least one child under school age. Befriending is offered at times of stress and loneliness.
01865 779991
National Organisation of the Widowed
A self-help organisation offering widow to widow support, comfort and a listening ear to both men and women.
Meets every 3rd Saturday of the month.
Guide HQ, Southern Road, Thame, OX9 2EP
0845 838 2261
NHS Choices
The UK's biggest health website featuring comprehensive health information, advice and service providers.
Oxfordshire County Council
Responsible for local services including education, roads and transport, social and health care, fire and public safety, and environment and planning.
Oxfordshire County Council, County Hall, New Road, Oxford, OX1 1ND
01865 792422
Oxfordshire Mind
Provides support and advice for anyone with mental health problems.
01865 263730
Oxfordshire Wheelchair Service
Supplies wheelchairs and mobility-related equipment.
01865 741155
Patient Advice & Liaison Service
Provides confidential advice and support to patients, families and their carers and provides information on NHS services.
0800 052 6088
Samaritans provides confidential non-judgemental emotional support 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair.
60 Magdalen Road, Oxford, OX4 1RB
01865 712122
South Oxfordshire District Council
Responsible for many local services including waste collections, leisure facilities, street cleaning, restaurant inspections, planning and housing services.
South Oxfordshire District Council, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, OX10 8ED
01235 422422
Thame Adult Mental Heath Team
Mental health services in the community to adults of between 18 - 65years with mental health problems.
01865 741717
Thame Carers Support Group
For carers of people with memory loss and dementia.
Meets first Wednesday of each month, 1:30pm - 3.30pm
Thame Community Hospital, East Street, Thame, OX9 3JT
07827 235450
Thame Citizens Advice Bureau
The Citizens Advice service helps people to resolve their legal, financial and work related problems.
CAB, Market House, Montesson Square, North Street, Thame, OX9 3HH
03444 111 444
Thame Foodbank
Food parcels for families in Thame and surroundings who are experiencing real food poverty.
0300 201 0212
Thame Town Council
Responsible for local services including community events, street furniture, allotments, burial ground, markets and recreation areas.
Thame Town Council, Town Hall, High Street, Thame, OX9 3DP
01844 212833
Thame Senior Friendship Centre
Provides day care support including entertainment and refreshments to older people within the Thame community.
Thame Senior Friendship Centre, Thame Town Cricket Club, Church Meadow, Church Road, Thame, Oxfordshire, OX9 3AJ
01844 212080
Thame Welfare Trust
Assistance for people in need who live in Thame and the immediate adjoining villages.01844 212564
A directory of community information, advice and services for Thame and the surrounding area.